
A detailed account is given of the broad vegetation types of the Sekhukhuneland Centre of Plant Endemism. Phytosociological data from 415 sample plots were subjected to phytosociological classification using TWINSPAN. The resulting classification was further refined with table-sorting procedures based on the floristic-sociological approach to classification of vegetation. The analysis revealed six major vegetation types, interpreted as the Acacia tortilis - Dichrostachys cinerea Northern Dry Mixed Bushveld, the Kirkia wilmsii - Terminalia prunioides Closed Mountain Bushveld, the Combretum hereroense - Grewia vernicosa Open Mountain Bushveld, the Hippobromus pauciflorus - Rhoicissus tridentata Rock Outcrop Vegetation, the Themeda triandra - Senecio microglossus Cool Moist Grasslands and the Fuirena pubescens - Schoenoplectus corymbosus Wetland Vegetation. Each major vegetation type is described and its diagnostic species highlighted. The occurrence of rare and threatened plant species in each vegetation type is indicated.

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