
Genealogical relationships among the five genera of stickleback (Gasterosteidae: Smegmomorpha) fishes were reconstructed based upon 47 behavioral and 89 morphological characters. Phylogenetic systematic analysis of the combined data set produced a single MPT (consistency index of 82.54%) structured (Spinachia(Apeltes-((Pungitius + Culaea)(Gasterosteus aculeatus + G. wheatlandi)))). When analyzed separately, both behavioral and morphological data sets produced the same tree topology, although the consistency index (excluding uninformative characters) was higher for the behavioral (90.70%) than for the morphological (68.13%) characters. This total evidence analysis provides a highly robust estimate of phylogeny for the sticklebacks and reiterates the importance of discarding a priori biases about behavioral evolution when selecting characters for phylogenetic analysis.

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