
Ten different pig breeds with different genetic origin (they are eight Chinese Domestic breeds, one recently Developed breed and one Introduced breed respectively) were utilized in this study to analyze the phylogeny of MyoG gene. 63 individuals were sequenced to get their complete nucleotide sequences of MyoG gene. Different methods and software were used and 6 phylogenetic trees were got based on the complete nucleotide sequence. To test the validation of these phylogenetic trees, the topologic structure differences between different trees were compared. The results indicate that the Neighbour Joining tree of the MyoG gene (Figure 2, NJ tree) has the best topological structure. In this NJ tree, 6 Chinese Domestic breeds cluster in one branch, Dahe and Wuzhishan pig constructed a new branch, Dahewu pig, Duroc and Standard MyoG gene sequence (Genbank accession number X89007) are clustered in one branch, the results are concord with the breeding history of these breeds and can reflect their true genetic background. Same topologic structure and parameters were found between different phylogenetic trees got by different methods. The same parameters of these trees confirmed the fact that the MyoG gene is very conservative and there are very few mutation sites between different breeds.

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