
The southern African dendrochirotid holothurians of the family Phyllophoridae (sensu Pawson & Fell, 1965) are revised and a new genus Thyonina is erected to accommodate Thyone articulata Vaney, 1908, which possesses only slender spectacle-shaped rods as body wall deposits. In addition, Thyone proceracorona Cherbonnier, 1952 and T. turrisolida Cherbonnier, 1954, are declared junior subjective synonyms of T. aurea (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833); Havelockia imperfecta Cherbonnier, 1970 is transferred to the genus Thyone, and T. venusta Selenka, 1868 (synonym T. okeni Bell, 1884) is recorded for the first time from southern Africa. These changes bring the total number of phyllophorid holothurians now known from southern Africa to five genera and 11 species. All species are keyed, briefly described and/or discussed, and their local distributions mapped.

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