
This study explores the meanings currently ascribed to family photographs and albums and aspects of photograph collecting and album making behaviour. Current ways of storing photographs are presented as well as highlighting perceptions of the durability over time of these new forms of storage. The study is exploratory in nature, based on empirical research through the conduct of ten (structured) interviews conducted between August and September 2021. The results of the study show the multitude of meanings attributed to family photo albums, namely: reminiscence of moments in family life, reconstruction of family biography, communication between generations, knowledge of ancestors (great-grandparents, grandparents, parents) in different stages of their lives, establishing a link with the past and building family identity, family history and, last but not least, emotional, nostalgic or joyful meanings, aspects that strengthen the family. At the same time, the study highlights new forms of photo preservation - the shift from print to digital photography, including digital albums. The research also reveals perceptions of the durability of digital albums over time by recognising both positive and negative aspects. The article contributes to the development of research on family photographs and albums in Romanian society, highlighting the importance of the family album and considering it as an object of sociological research.

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