
通过受猪场污水影响的池塘和鱼塘水生生态系统中表层水-沉积物的磷含量、磷吸附能力比较,了解猪场污水、鱼塘养殖对表层水-沉积物系统磷行为的影响.结果表明,猪场污水排放和鱼塘养殖都会明显增加水体中溶解性反应磷(DRP)和溶解性有机磷(DOP)的含量,从DRP、DOP、PP3种形态磷在总磷中所占的比例来看,DRP是水体中主要增加的磷含量.猪场污水排放对水体中磷的增加作用比鱼塘养殖更剧烈一些,猪粪是水体中磷的主要来源.但是猪场污水排放对沉积物中不同形态磷含量的影响不明显,这可能与水体中磷的存在形态和转化时间有关.鱼塘养殖增加了沉积物中有机质、Fe-P、Al-P和总无机磷含量,增加了沉积物对磷的最大吸附容量,但是对磷的吸附能力却有所降低,进而增加了沉积物中磷向上覆水释放的可能.;According to compare the content of phosphorus (P) fraction, P sorption ability of water-sediment in ponds polluted by sewage from a hoggery and a rearing-pond, the influences of sewage from hoggery and fishery on P behavior in water-sediment system were studied. The results indicated that sewage from hoggery and fishery could significantly increase P contents in water, and sewage from hoggery increased more significantly dissolved P in water than fishery. Sewage from hoggery had no significant influence on sediment P concentration and P sorption properties, whereas fishery could significantly increase total inorganic P, Fe bound P (Fe-P) in sediment and maximum P sorption capacity and decrease P absorptive capability of sediment. The P sorption properties of sediment had some relationship with organic matter content in sediment.

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