
In the altered metabolism in parathyroidectomized dogs, Greenwald4 found a marked decrease in the elimination of phosphate in the urine together with a distinct retention in the blood.It has been established that the lack of parathyroid is accompanied by increased elimination of ammonia, decreased acid excretion and the lowering of the hydrogen ion concentration. The same conditions are manifested after the administration of guanidine hydrochloride.1 The increase in guanidine nitrogen was found by Koch2 and Burns and Sharpe3 in experimental parathyroid tetany and also in idiopathic tetany. In a recent communication4 we reported that the above-mentioned phenomena were an accompaniment of the acidosis produced by guanidine administration and also suggested that phosphates might be retained in the body to neutralize the acids formed by the muscular activity.Another fact that in parathyroid tetany, the calcium content of the tissues was decreased was reported by Sabbatani5 and Quest6 and by many other investi...

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