
The article presents the results of a study of the key concepts of the philosophical movement – transhumanism, reflected in the materials of traditional and online media. The trends presented in the media discourse in the implementation of the ideas of the philosophical movement of transhumanism are analyzed and criticism of its currents is given. The goal is to show trends in the coverage of the problems of transhumanism, its advantages and disadvantages. The task is to identify the specifics of philosophical theory, its value content, the interpretation of the provisions of the theory in online media. The empirical base of the study is online media selected for analysis by random sampling. The Yandex search engine for the query “Transhumanism” in April 2022 produced 19 thousand results, which indicates the relevance of the topic and reader interest in it. The publications that received the greatest response from the audience on such media resources as Lenta.ru, Kommersant, RBC, Yandex.Zen, Regnum, Russian newspaper etc. and devoted to the topic of transhumanism are analyzed. The hermeneutic, existential approaches we use allow us to discover the meaning of the genesis of the philosophical direction, and discourse analysis about the interpretation of meanings and the assessment of transhumanism by the authors of publications. The hypothesis of the study is that the philosophical direction turns into a social movement and ideology, but in reality, it takes on practical outlines. Monitoring the process of media reflection of the concept of transhumanism opens up additional opportunities for studying and philosophical understanding of this phenomenon as a theoretical concept and international movement, as well as finding signs of its implementation in social practice. The main research question is whether the approaches of transhumanists to the problem of unprecedented human improvement are capable of benefiting humanity, while avoiding catastrophe.

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