
Drama and theatrical performance remain one of the most effective ways through which life’s reality can be experienced, described, perceived and portrayed. Absurd drama has come to be seen as one of the most modern literary movements that have been adopted by African playwrights, Ruganda included. Based on a study of plays by Ugandan playwright John Ruganda, this paper discusses the philosophy of dissimilation, meaninglessness and isolation in theatre of the absurd. The study used Ruganda’s two plays, namely The Floods and Shreds of Tenderness. The various modes through which absurd drama appeal to the aesthetic sensibilities were examined. The study employed descriptive research and used purposive sampling. Data was analysed qualitatively by describing the findings of the study to arrive at inferences and conclusions. In Ruganda’s plays, the country is represented as being sick and in dire need of an urgent remedy but no one has the desire to bring in a solution to it. The sickness has not only affected the people as individuals but the nation as a whole. The playwright is by extension pointing to the cause of the sickness affecting the nation as being attributed to bad leadership. Using the lives of main characters, the playwright also demonstrates the senselessness of the human life and the inadequacy of the rational approach by the open abandonment of rational devices and discursive thought. The characters are portrayed as isolated and lonely individuals whose lives and fate area mere subject of time. The finding of the study is an important contribution to understanding drama and the changing trend in literary criticism in drama

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