
Archaic model forms layered with religious motifs are the core in the plot construction of the epic “Manas”. Therefore, it is quite logical that the issue of the name of "Manas” was discussed in a broader aspect and analyzed in several sciences. Folklore is analyzed by methods of comparative historical, comparative typological and analytical psychology. In addition, the religious and philosophical views of the Islamic scholar Al-Ghazali will be considered and objectively evaluated in parallel with the philosophical reflections of S.Orozbakov’s and Togolok Moldo’s versions of the epic. The name “Manas” in the variants of Orozbakov, Togolok Moldo is based on the mythological stories of the Turkic peoples about the Universe and draws a parallel with their universal models. As a result, general models of the philosophical concept of duality in nomadic and Islamic culture are proposed to the scientific community as hypotheses.


  • А также наименование «Манас» будет рассматриваться параллельно с философскими взглядами Аль-Газали и использоваться в качестве теоретической базы

  • The name “Manas” in the variants of Orozbakov, Togolok Moldo is based on the mythological stories of the Turkic peoples about the Universe and draws a parallel with their universal models

  • Аягына «сен» келсин Арыстандын боруму, Арты кайда кетти экен Ал үчөөнүн оруну Окуп билди «Манас!» — деп [ 1,1-китеп,169-б.], ал эми, Тоголок Молдонун вариантында деле текстологиялык жактан окшош экенин баамдасак болот

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Тоголок Молдонун вариантарындагы философиялык ойлор менен паралель каралып, обьективдүү баа берилмекчи. The name “Manas” in the variants of Orozbakov, Togolok Moldo is based on the mythological stories of the Turkic peoples about the Universe and draws a parallel with their universal models. Орозбаков жана Тоголок Молдонун варианттарында ислам динин системага келтирилип, философиялык деңгээлге көтөрүлүп, саясый-экономикалык масштабдуу багыты аныкталып калган.

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