
Although the lambdoid bacteriophage phi 80 and P22 possess site-specific recombination systems analogous to bacteriophage lambda, they have different attachment (att) site specificities. We have identified and determined the nucleotide sequences of the att sites of phi 80 and P22 and have examined the interaction of these sites with purified Escherichia coli integration host factor (IHF). The sizes of the homologous core regions of the att sites vary greatly: P22 has a 46-base pair core, while phi 80 and lambda have 17- and 15-base pair cores, respectively. The core sequences of the three phage show no significant homology, although dispersed regions of homology in arm sequences indicate that the three phage att sites are related. All three att sites have a high A + T composition, and restriction fragments carrying these sites migrate anomalously upon polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. IHF binds to a site to the left of the common core in the phi 80 and P22 phage att sites (attP) and to a site to the right of the core in P22 attP and attB (the bacterial att site). In the lambda system, IHF interacts with three regions on attP (designated H1, H2, and H') and none on attB (Craig N., and Nash, H.A. (1984) Cell 39, 707-716). Alignment of the IHF sites of all three phage results in a consensus sequence for IHF binding, Pyr-AANNNNTTGATAT. Among the three phage, the number of IHF sites differs; however, the location and orientation of the binding sites in relation to the respective core regions are well conserved. An IHF site analogous to lambda H2 is present in both phi 80 and P22 attP, while a site analogous to lambda H' is present in P22 attP. This conservation suggests that IHF plays a very similar role in the site-specific recombination pathways of all three phage, and that the flanking arm sequences are necessary for phi 80 and P22 attP function, as is the case for lambda attP function. These structural similarities presumably reflect a conservation of the mechanism of site-specific recombination for the three phage.

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