
The aim of the study was to examine the relationship of the phenotype and metabolism of neutrophils in patients with widespread purulent peritonitis (WPP) in the dynamics of the postoperative period. The study involved 27 patients with acute surgical diseases and injuries of abdominal organs complicated by WPP. Blood sampling was performed prior to surgery (pre-operative period) and at 7, 14 and 24 day post-operative period. As controls 67 respect healthy people were examined. Research blood neutrophilic granulocytes phenotype was performed by f low cytometry using a direct immunof luorescence whole peripheral blood. The levels of surface receptor expression was assessed by the mean f luorescence intensity. The NADand NADP-dependent dehydrogenases activity in the blood neutrophils studied using bioluminescence method. It was found that in patients with WPP in the preoperative period in the peripheral blood increased content of CD62L+-, HLA-DR+and CD64+-neutrophils. High levels of CD62L+-cells stored within 24 postoperative days, whereas the amount of HLA-DR+and CD64+-neutrophils on 24 postoperative day is reduced to the level of controls. The dynamics of changes in the content of CD64+-cells in the peripheral blood of patients with WPP corresponds to the expression level of CD64-receptor on the membrane of neutrophilic granulocytes. The metabolism of blood neutrophils in patients with WPP in the preand postoperative period is characterized by high intensity of the substrate stream on the citric acid cycle, low activity of NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase and aerobic reaction of lactate dehydrogenase. In the preoperative period and within 14 days of the postoperative period in neutrophil granulocytes of the patients revealed high activity of anaerobic lactate dehydrogenase reaction characterized by increased activity of anaerobic glycolysis. In the late postoperative period the intensity of anaerobic energy in the neutrophils of patients with WPP was reduced to the control level. The final stage of post-operative treatment the metabolism in the blood neutrophils of patients with WPP is also characterized by the activation of the pentose phosphate cycle, low activity of malate-aspartate shunt mitochondria and high intensity of the substrate interaction between citric acid cycle and reactions of amino acid metabolism. Using correlation analysis set dysregulation between phenotype and the system of intracellular metabolism of neutrophils which can be determined by the migration of activated cells in the inf lammatory focus as well as changes in the activity of intracellular enzymes under different regulatory factors and including postoperative therapy methods peritonitis.


  • распространенный гнойный перитонит (РГП) во многом определяются функциональной активностью нейтрофильных гранулоцитов

  • High levels of CD62L+-cells stored within 24 postoperative days, whereas the amount of HLA-DR+- and CD64+-neutrophils on 24 postoperative day is reduced to the level of controls

  • The dynamics of changes in the content of CD64+-cells in the peripheral blood of patients with widespread purulent peritonitis (WPP) corresponds to the expression level of CD64-receptor on the membrane of neutrophilic granulocytes

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Оригинальные статьи

Целью исследования явилось изучение взаимосвязи фенотипа и метаболизма нейтрофильных гранулоцитов у больных распространенным гнойным перитонитом (РГП) в динамике послеоперационного периода. Динамике изменения содержания CD64+-клеток в периферической крови больных РГП соответствует уровень экспрессии CD64-рецептора на мембране нейтрофильных гранулоцитов. Метаболизм нейтрофилов крови у больных РГП в до- и послеоперационном периоде характеризуется высокой интенсивностью субстратного потока по циклу трикарбоновых кислот, низкой активностью НАДФ-зависимой глутаматдегидрогеназы и аэробной реакции лактатдегидрогеназы. Библиографическое описание: Савченко А.А., Борисов А.Г., Кудрявцев И.В., Гвоздев И.И., Мошев А.В., Черданцев Д.В., Первова О.В. Взаимосвязь фенотипа и метаболизма нейтрофилов крови у больных распространенным гнойным перитонитом в динамике послеоперационного периода // Инфекция и иммунитет. Завершающий этап послеоперационного лечения со стороны метаболизма нейтрофилов крови больных РГП также характеризуется активацией пентозофосфатного цикла, низкой активностью малат-аспартатного шунта митохондрий и высокой интенсивностью субстратного взаимодействия между лимонным циклом и реакциями аминокислотного обмена.

Нейтрофилы при перитоните
Материалы и методы
Preoperative period
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