
Abstract. The article presents the concept of "life perspective" in different study approaches of this phenomenon. The main authors and theories that most fully reveal the concept of life perspective are noted. The difference in the approach to the study of life prospects in domestic and foreign psychology is determined. The main foreign theories are described, including AAC (assimilative / accommodative coping), MTLD (the motivational theory of lifespan development), SOC (selection, optimization and compensation), SST (socioemotional selectivity theory). The results of the meta-analysis of the basic researches devoted to this construct are noted. The nature of the relationship between time perspective and such phenomenon as sociometric indicators, psychological well-being, behavioral characteristics, responsibility etc. The main internal approaches are indicated. Аmong them are systemic, event and others approches. The basic parameters, functions, features, structure of a time perspective are defined. The main parameters include depth, structure, realism, consistency, duration and optimism. It consists of value-semantic, emotional-evaluative, cognitive and organizational components. The concept of self-design is indicated, the structure of it includes awareness of goals, value-semantic formations, individual-personal opportunities and social conditions. The influence of life aspirations and life plans on the further development of life prospects is indicated.

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