
This article examines the phenomenon of American paleoconservatism in the Russian historiography, as well as provides an analytical overview of scientific publications on the problems of evolution of American conservatism of the late XX century that touches upon the questions of ideological establishment and political influence of paleoconservatism in the United States. Paleoconservatism represents a nontrivial version of the modern American conservatism, which is opposite to the mainstream forms of conservatism (for example, neoconservatism), but leans on the fundamental American principles, as an ideological defender of the tradition and freedom. The problem of paleoconservatism in Russian historiography is viewed by the representatives of various scientific directions: historians-Americanologists, political scientists, experts in the area of jurisprudence, etc. However, within the Russians science the phenomenon of American paleoconservatism is studied fragmentarily. The problems of committed genealogy, historical development and ideological evolution of American paleoconservatism remain poorly studied. The political writings and views of the key theoreticians and representatives of paleoconservatism – P. Gottfried, P. Brimelow, S. Francis, etc. Nevertheless, the political potential of paleoconservative ideology, which combines the principles of retention of the tradition and inviolability of freedom, is evident in modern world. The demand of political ideas of American paleoconservatists and paleoconservative discourse outside the United States underlines the need for further research of this ideological and political phenomenon.

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