
The truck is land transportation that functions as effective transportation of goods in facilitating the goods distribution to all regions in Indonesia. In addition, roads play an important role as supporting infrastructure which is very important in facilitating these transportation facilities and other land vehicles. The increase in the number of leaf springs in vehicles is currently a common phenomenon among owners of goods/truck transport vehicles. The addition of leaf springs is intended so that the vehicle can carry an excess amount of goods (overload). This study aimed to find out how much overload each additional sheet of spring on the overload factor (excess load) which can trigger road damage and slow vehicle speed which can lead to traffic jams. The results on road damage research in general are the result of deflections and cracks due to excessive axle pressure and decreased vehicle speed with overload loads which cause long queues of vehicles in certain spaces and decreased ability of overloaded vehicles to climb. Control measures need to be taken for goods vehicles that increase the number of leaf springs because the addition of leaf springs allows goods transport vehicles to be overloaded which causes excessive pressure so that it is not in accordance with government regulations.

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