
Characteristic features of the phase transition associated with the intermediate gauge symmetry breaking in superstring models are investigated. The action of O(3)-symmetric bounce solution at a temperature T ⪢ m is estimated as 3 T ∼(T/m) 3 , where m is the scale of the effective soft supersymmetry breakings. Since the tunneling effect seems negligible for T⪢ m, the critical temperature for the phase transition will be of O( m). After the phase transition, a large amount of entropy could be produced by the decay of Higgs particles with the reheating temperature ⪅10 5 GeV unless the gauge symmetry breaking scale M 1 is small enough, e.g. M I⪅10 7 GeV for m⪅10 3 GeV to satisfy S f S i ⪅10 6 . A possible baryogenesis due to the Higgs particle decay is also suggested.

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