
A procedure of an a posteriori correction of the available data on the integral photometry of the Moon is described. This procedure reduces the regular errors of the integral phase curves caused by variations of the libration parameters; the effect due to libration can reach 4%. A method allowing the integral measurements of the Moon to be compared correctly with the photometric measurements of the lunar areas or laboratory samples imitating the lunar soil has been developed. To approximate the phase curves of integral albedo in the phase-angle range from 6° to 120°, we proposed a simple empirical formula A eq(α) = m l e −ρα + m 2 e −0.7α, where α is the phase angle, ρ is the factor of effective roughness, and m 1 + m 2 is the surface albedo at a zero phase angle. An empirical phase dependence of the slope of the lunar spectrum in the 360–1060 nm range has been obtained. The results may be used to test various theoretical models of the light scattering by the lunar surface and to calibrate the data of ground-based and space-borne spectrophotometric observations.

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