
Phagocytosis is the necessary first step to sense foreign microbes or particles and enables activation of innate immune pathways such as inflammasomes. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying how phagosomes modulate inflammasome activity are not fully understood. We show that in murine dendritic cells (DCs), the lysosomal histidine/peptide solute carrier transporter SLC15A4, associated with human inflammatory disorders, is recruited to phagosomes and is required for optimal inflammasome activity after infectious or sterile stimuli. Dextran sodium sulfate-treated SLC15A4-deficient mice exhibit decreased colon inflammation, reduced IL-1β production by intestinal DCs, and increased autophagy. Similarly, SLC15A4-deficient DCs infected with Salmonella typhimurium show reduced caspase-1 cleavage and IL-1β production. This correlates with peripheral NLRC4 inflammasome assembly and increased autophagy. Overexpression of constitutively active mTORC1 rescues decreased IL-1β levels and caspase1 cleavage, and restores perinuclear inflammasome positioning. Our findings support that SLC15A4 couples phagocytosis with inflammasome perinuclear assembly and inhibition of autophagy through phagosomal content sensing. Our data also reveal the previously unappreciated importance of mTORC1 signaling pathways to promote and sustain inflammasome activity.

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