
The paper presents a new approach to solving nonlinear programming (NLP) problems for which the strict complementarity condition (SCC), a constraint qualification (CQ), and a second-order sufficient condition (SOSC) for optimality are not necessarily satisfied at a solution. Our approach is based on the construction of p-regularity and on reformulating the inequality constraints as equalities. Namely, by introducing the slack variables, we get the equality constrained problem, for which the Lagrange optimality system is singular at the solution of the NLP problem in the case of the violation of the CQs, SCC and/or SOSC. To overcome the difficulty of singularity, we propose the p-factor method for solving the Lagrange system. The method has a superlinear rate of convergence under a mild assumption. We show that our assumption is always satisfied under a standard second-order sufficient condition (SOSC) for optimality. At the same time, we give examples of the problems where the SOSC does not hold, but our assumption is satisfied. Moreover, no estimation of the set of active constraints is required. The proposed approach can be applied to a variety of problems.

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