
Local wisdom as a legacy of the past is still found in the lives of the people of Aceh, especially in rural areas. One form of local wisdom that is still practiced today in the life of the people of Aceh is the customary Peusijuek. This study aims to describe and analyze. To describe and analyze the implementation of the tradition of peusijuek as a medium of social and cultural communication in Doy Village, Ulee Kareng District, Banda Aceh City and explore peusijuek in Gampong Doy, Ulee Kareng District, Banda Aceh City. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collected through observations, interviews, and relevant documents. Data analysis was made using an interactive process (Milles and Huberman) with stages of data collection, data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verification to explain the concept of the tradition of peuijuek, and communication media. The results of this study indicate that the peuijuek procession begins by preparing ingredients that have quite a deep meaning such as plain flour, rice, leaves, and sticky rice. When everything is ready, then the peuijuek event will take place. The person who was guided was sitting quietly, and the person who was standing was standing and was also ready with an envelope containing the money to be given after the event was over. Peusijuek is usually done by elders in the community, such as Tengku (Ustadz) or Umi Chik (Ustadzah). If the family itself is usually done by mother, father, or all that is elder. The sequence of the peuijuek program begins with prayer, then sprinkles rice on the person who is patronized. Then sprinkle fresh flour water from left to right and from right to left, and occasionally crossed. Next, wash your hands and then pinch the pulut rice and feed it to the visitor. In essence, the same is to ask for prayer to the Almighty to be given the blessing, safety and peace of life. The final process of peuijuek is to slip an envelope filled with money to those who are guided. In principle, Peusijuek is to ask for safety, peace and happiness in life. The values ​​contained in Peusijuek are religious values, philosophical values ​​and cultural values. The final process of peuijuek is to slip an envelope filled with money to those who are guided. In principle, Peusijuek is to ask for safety, peace and happiness in life. The values ​​contained in Peusijuek are religious values, philosophical values ​​and cultural values. The final process of peuijuek is to slip an envelope filled with money to those who are guided. In principle, Peusijuek is to ask for safety, peace and happiness in life. The values ​​contained in Peusijuek are religious values, philosophical values ​​and cultural values.

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