
In this chapter we outline a process algebra, whose name — Petri Box Calculus (PBC) — arises from its original Petri net semantics [6, 7]. PBC combines a number of features taken from other process algebras, such as COSY (Concurrent Systems notation, [62]), CCS (Calculus of Communicating Systems, [80, 81]), SCCS (Synchronous CCS, [81]), CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes, [58]), TCSP (Theoretical CSP, [59]) and ACP (Algebra of Communicating Processes, [2]). However, there are some fundamental differences with each of these process algebras since PBC has been designed with two specific objectives in mind: To support a compositional Petri net semantics, together with an equivalent — more syntax-oriented — structured operational semantics (SOS) [89]. To provide as flexible as possible a basis for developing a compositional semantics of high-level concurrent specification and programming languages with full data and control features.

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