
In age of ecology, personal is ecological. violent threat to Earth requires an emphatic response from social workers. social work profession's call is to witness this crisis in unique and creative ways that will integrate Earth into center of our psychosocial lives. social, political, and commercial landscape is connected to natural environment. There is mounting evidence of environmental destruction. Global warming caused by burning of fossil fuels and by deforestation is forecast to alter climate patterns worldwide, increasing drought, threatening integrity of natural ecosystems, and producing millions of environmental refugees (Clark, 1992). Indeed, the next ten years could determine future of (Chiras, 1992, p. 9). Earth as Spirit In 1979 Lovelock introduced his Gaia hypothesis, which maintains that complex Earth ecological system operates in a self-regulating manner characteristic of something alive, as though it has a living spirit: We now see that air, ocean and soil are much more than a mere environment for life, they are a part of life itself.... air is to life just as is fur to a cat or nest for a bird (Lovelock, cited in Gore, 1992, p. 264). American Indians have understood and respected Earth for centuries with a sense of sacred connection that is available to all of us. Once we acknowledge that if Earth's environment is destroyed humankind ultimately is destroyed, we perceive a seamless web that unites all living forms. Environmental relationship, justice, and integrity must occupy a position of utmost priority for profession. policy of National Association of Social Workers (NASW) on environmental issues emphasizes that person-in-environment gives social workers a unique understanding of impact of environmental abuse on physical and mental health of our clients and ourselves (NASW, 1994, p. 104). This policy statement stresses that social workers must recognize their personal responsibility for conservation and preservation of environment's existing resources and demonstrate leadership in these areas. Ecological Models for Social Issues Social workers can demonstrate leadership in this crisis by responding in imaginative and meaningful ways. Already there are people involved in environmental justice movement - transpersonal therapists and ecologists. They are addressing traditional social work domains of civil rights, urban housing, youth programs, and clinical practice. Civil Rights In New Mexico, South West Network for Environmental and Economic Justice serves an area of seven states and responds to needs of natural environment. Richard Moore, project coordinator, proclaimed, The environmental justice movement is concerned not only with air and water issues; we also see environment as places we work, play, and live (personal communication, September 16, 1993). Moore is using civil rights laws to address environmental problems because Environmental Protection Agency's regulations are defined too narrowly. Urban Housing This holistic approach to environment is also practiced by activist Hazel Johnson. As Rosa Parks of environmental movement, she is organizer of People for Community Recovery (PCR). Johnson organized PCR in 1982 in Altgeld Gardens, a Chicago Housing Authority project constructed over a former garbage dump. mission of PCR is to educate public on extent and effect of hazardous and toxic conditions in low-income communities (Johnson, 1993). PCR is one of growing number of environmental education and advocacy organizations in country that have their roots in low-income areas. These community-based environmental movements in culturally diverse neighborhoods are collaborating with organizations such as Greenpeace and are diversifying environmental movement. …

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