
1. Introduction: The Personal and the Professional: Aid workers' relationships and values in the development process 2. Fellow Travellers in Development 3. Befriending the Field: culture and friendships in development worlds 4. Aid Relations and Aid Legitimacy: mutual imaging of aid workers and recipients in Nepal 5. Professionalisation Trends and Inequality: experiences and practices in aid relationships 6. 'Living Well' while 'Doing Good'? (Missing) debates on altruism and professionalism in aid work 7. 'Struggling to Do the Right Thing': challenges during international volunteering 8. Is the Non-unitary Subject a Plausible and Productive Way to Understand Development Bureaucrats? 9. A Moral Economy? Social interpretations of money in Aidland 10. Effective Aid: the poetics of some aid workers' angles on how humanitarian aid 'works'

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