
This paper reports the development and initial validation of the Persian language Irrational Performance Beliefs Inventory (iPBI-Persian). The original iPBI was developed to provide a validated measure of the four core irrational beliefs of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) within performance-based samples, such as athletes. Data retrieved from 334 athletes (169 men, 165 women, Mage = 21.52 ± 4.00 years) were analyses using SPSS and LISREL software packages. After the linguistic and cross-cultural adaptation processes, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results showed that six items did not have acceptable factor loadings. After removal of problem items, a 22-item version was developed (CFI = 0.96). The iPBI-Persian demonstrated excellent levels of reliability, with internal consistency and test–retest reliability, as well as construct validity. This paper indicates that the 22-item iPBI-Persian can be used as a self-assessment instrument to evaluate irrational performance beliefs in Iranian athlete samples.

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