
On the basis of archival sources and materials taken from periodical press, the authors investigate the history of the Persian diaspora in Ossetia. The article discusses the causes of Persian migration to Ossetia, which began in the second half of the 19th century; their settlement and adaptation processes; and mechanisms of intra-ethnic consolidation. The authors identify the means Persians used to adapt to the economy of the host society, in particular by fi nding economic niches in industry, craft, trade, and domestic services, and analyze their integration into new economic forms of urban lifestyle. Ethnic entrepreneurship emerges as the foundation of Persian community life. The article investigates the diaspora’s infrastructure, including the Persian Consulate, a Shiite mosque, the Persian school Navruz , the charitable society Himmat , and several other institutions. In general, for most minority communities the place of worship becomes the focus point of intraethnic consolidation and preservation of national identity, especially when the community is not simply ethnic but rather ethno-confessional. In the Persian community, however, the main regulatory and communicative functions were performed by the Consulate. The authors argue that the prominence of the Consulate resulted from the uncertain status of the mosque, from the fact that Shiite worshippers came from various nationalities, and from the confl icts among them. The authors examine the degree of preservation of traditional Persian culture in festive and ceremonial life, community behavior, and relations with the motherland. They identify how the Persian community integrated into the socio-cultural environment of poly-ethnic Vladikavkaz through trade relations, everyday contacts, and other means.


  • In the 1860s and 1870s, Vladikavkaz, a city founded as a fortress less than one hundred years before, became a magnet for migrants from diverse parts of Europe and southwestern Asia

  • On the basis of archival sources and materials taken from periodical press, the authors investigate the history of the Persian diaspora in Ossetia

  • The article discusses the causes of Persian migration to Ossetia, which began in the second half of the 19th century; their settlement and adaptation processes; and mechanisms of intra-ethnic consolidation

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RUDN Journal of Russian History

Персидская община во Владикавказе: механизмы сохранения этнической идентичности в инокультурной среде. Аннотация: В представленной статье на основе архивных источников и материалов периодической печати исследована история персидской диаспоры в Осетии: определены причины миграции персов в Осетию со второй половины ХIХ в., особенности жизнеустройства, адаптационные процессы и механизмы внутриэтнической консолидации. В статье исследована созданная персидской общиной диаспорная инфраструктура, которая включала в себя персидское консульство, шиитскую мечеть, персидское новометодное училище «Навруз», благотворительное общество «Химмат» и другие учреждения. Что данная особенность жизнеустройства персидской общины связана с неопределенным статусом мечети, разной этнической принадлежностью ее прихожан-шиитов и конфликтной ситуацией между ними. Персидская община во Владикавказе: механизмы сохранения этнической идентичности в инокультурной среде // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов.

История формирования и хозяйственные занятия персидской общины
Шиитская мечеть во Владикавказе
Персидское консульство во Владикавказе
Этнические структуры повседневности
Взаимодействие персов с инокультурным окружением
The formation of the Persian community and its economic activities
The Shia mosque in Vladikavkaz
The Persian Consulate in Vladikavkaz
Ethnic structures of everyday life
Persian interactions with the alien cultural environment
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