
Peroxisomes have been proved playing roles in infection of several plant pathogens. Although the contribution of a portion of peroxins in pathogenicity was demonstrated, most of them are undocumented in fungi, especially, Botrytis cinerea. The homologs of Pex8, Pex10, and Pex12 in B. cinerea were functionally characterized in this work using gene disruption strategies. Compared with the wild-type strain (WT), the Δbcpex8, Δbcpex10, and Δbcpex12 mutants exhibited significant reduction in melanin production, fatty acid utilization, and decreased tolerance to high osmotic pressure and reactive oxygen species (ROS). The mycelial growth and conidiation of were significantly inhibited in Δbcpex8, Δbcpex10, and Δbcpex12 strains. The mycelial growth rates of Δbcpex8, Δbcpex10, and Δbcpex12 were reduced by 32, 35, and 34%, respectively, compared with WT and ectopic transformant (ET), and the conidiation was reduced by approximately 89, 27, and 88%, respectively. The conidial germination, germ tube elongation, and the formation of initiate infection structures (IFSs) were also reduced by the deletion of the genes. The pathogenicity was tested on the leaves of tobacco and strawberry, and fruits of tomato. On the leaves of tobacco and strawberry, the Δbcpex8, Δbcpex10, and Δbcpex12 mutants could not induce necrotic lesions, and the lesions on tomato fruits infected with the mutants were significantly reduced than those of the wide type. The results indicated that BcPEX8, BcPEX10, and BcPEX12 are indispensable for the development and pathogenicity of B. cinerea.

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