
The crucial importance of the linguistics as a branch of science reveals to be the focus and presentation of diverse lingual changes at various lingual levels, first and foremost at lexical-semantic, derivational, and phraseological due to the fact they contain mini-fragments of all the events, happening in a certain country and the world in general. The given article embraces the complex analysis of different periphrastic units as substitutes of the precedent name Volodymyr Zelenskyi based on the interconnection of intra- and extralingual factors, which harmonise, securing the lingual progress and accurately reflecting the core positive and negative changes in the society, reactions of people over the certain challenges. The spectrum of mini-texts of publicistic and political discourse, limited by strict chronological framework of the 2021, forms the research base of the scientific disquisition. As a result, the all-embracing periphrastic field Volodymyr Zelenskyi has been modelled on the base of wide range of actual material, the identifying criteria of its constituents (e.g., political activity of Volodymyr Zelenskyi, presidential activity of Volodymyr Zelenskyi, civil position of Volodymyr Zelenskyi, the status of actual guarantor of the Constitution in the Ukrainian political sphere, forecasts of his future as a person and as a statesman, the style of conversation with other people, etc.) were logically examined. The semantic typology of heterogeneous in their formal and grammatical organization descriptive phrases was being built on the base of semantically accentuated components as well as micro and macrocontext. Sometimes the semaciological procedure was used as an important component of axiologicality. The detailed classification of lexical and semantic range of periphrases’ elements, presenting subordinate connection as regular relationship, meanwhile coordinate and correlative as irregular ones, has been constructed consequently. All the semantic and connotative (ameliorative and pejorative) markers were logically identified. The vast range of facts involved in the scientific research, made the solid reason to assert the dominant position of the pejorative connotation due to extralingual factors (lack of managerial experience of the President Zelenskyi, unmotivated personnel changes, the desire to concentrate all branches of government in one hand, etc.). It is a fact that the crucial semantic and axiological indicators of the secondary nominations under analysis are grammatically dominant components. Sometimes this function is being performed by dependent members, which are lexemes or various syntactic constructions, formed with their participation. The analysed descriptive phrases of the periphrastic field appear as separate skilfully verbalized mini-plots, revealing consistently recorded features of the system of government of Volodymyr Zelenskyi as well as prominent events and facts, ultimately, the Ukrainian state with its gains and losses in 2021.

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