
Student protest is not unique to Nigeria. Students are one of the most vocal groups in countries all over the world, and student protests and demonstrations are experienced in all the continents of the world. Students, especially university students, carry out protests and demonstrations to show their dissatisfaction over diverse issues (Smith, 1968; Brickman and Lehrer, 1970; Ericson, 1975; Lipset, 1993). In various parts of the world, their protests have even resulted in ousting or shaking up governments. In 1968, violent protests by students in France almost ousted the government of President Charles de Gaulle, and in fact, he eventually had to step down from office the following year. In July 1988, the prime minister of Burma had to step down after 26 years in power as a result of 2 months of student protests (Lintner, 1988: 18–19). Also, in South Korea in 1987, student protests forced the government to conduct elections, which resulted in a significant political change.KeywordsCivil Society OrganizationSecurity ForceStudent MobilizationMilitary RegimeStructural Adjustment ProgrammeThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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