
We aimed to evaluate the performance of the current algorithm the HIV diagnosis that has been performed for four years. Results of HIV Ag/Ab tests, anti-HIV 1/2 confirmatory tests, HIV-1 RNA tests and the time for official results to be approved were evaluated. The relationship of HIV Ag/Ab tests, anti-HIV 1/2 confirmation tests and HIV-1 RNA PCR tests, their result times and suitability to the algorithm were examined at Izmir Dokuz Eylül University between May 2017 and June 2021. HIV Ag/Ab ELISA was reactive repetitively in 165/54628 (0.30%) serum samples. Anti-HIV 1/2 confirmation test was reactive in 54.42% (80/147) of samples. The most common pattern (18.2%) in the confirmation tests was the positivity of the antibodies against gp160 - gp41 envelope glycoproteins together. The mean reporting time of the confirmation test result was 3h 50 min after the ELISA test. The mean reporting time of the HIV-1 RNA PCR was 12.79 d (±10.22) after the ELISA test and 12.63 (± 10.12) day after the confirmation test. In ROC analysis, the estimated rate of the ELISA test for the confirmation test was highest when S/CO was >13.16 (sensitivity: 97.59 %, specificity: 97.59%). The confirmation test in the current algorithm enabled the rapid test results, early diagnosis of HIV and early antiretroviral therapy. To use the new algorithm effectively, decentralization of the validation tests would be appropriate.

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