
Cooling Seasonal Performance Factor (CSPF) is one of methods for measuring the performance of a room air conditioner to assess its energy efficiency and, therefore, its effect on climate change and environmental impact. A set of bin temperatures from a certain region was used in this method to compare the performance of an air conditioner. Due to the variety of hourly local ambient temperature distribution, the performance of an air conditioner could be different in various cities in Indonesia. In this paper, a room air conditioner was tested on the basis of ISO 5151 and analyzed by using ISO 16358-1. The CSPF calculation is then modified based on the ambient local temperature distribution for Jakarta and Bandung. The CSPF for Jakarta City is 1.45% lower and the CSPF for Bandung is 1.49% higher than that of ISO 16358-1-based calculation. It means that for more realistic performance of an air conditioner, the modification of measurement standard could be applied based of local temperature distribution.

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