
A comparison is made between a computer model which was developed in an earlier paper and experimental results in which a heat pump was used to heat a house during the heating season 1978–1979. The heat pump used was an air-to-water machine, and it is found that the radiator temperature in the experiment varies according to the heat demand of the house because of the effect of thermal inertia of the water and other thermal masses in the heat transfer system. The computer model simulates this effect, using hourly weather data to calculate the heat demand of the house and assuming that the radiators run at the temperature necessary to supply the heat demand during each hour. The model also calculates the coefficient of performance of the heat pump, and hence calculates the running cost in kilowatt-hours for each hour. The calculated running cost is compared with daily readings of kilowatt-hour meters. It is found that the comparison is very accurate during normal operation of the heat pump, with an accuracy of better than 1 per cent over a period of four months of the heating season, although the accuracy is not always quite so good. A comparison is also made between hourly calculated radiator temperatures and continuous recordings of flow and return temperatures. The comparison in this case is satisfactory, but there is a time lag due to the effect of thermal inertia of the building fabric which the computer model is not intended to simulate.

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