
In this short communication, we demonstrate that the performance of a typical air source heat pump (ASHP), exploiting a relatively stable air temperature within a subway environment, is high, even during the peak heating months. After a nine-month operational run, the coefficient of performance is demonstrated to be 3.5. The design and installation difficulties are stated together with the lessons learnt following this trial. The actual energy and carbon savings are discussed.


  • Scarcity of energy resources has been a global challenge for many years

  • The Scottish Government has set the target of 100% equivalent of Scotland’s gross annual electricity consumption to be supplied from renewable sources by 2020 [3] and a further 11% of the heat to be supplied by renewable sources during the same time frame

  • Air source heat pump (ASHP) systems have shown potential to reduce energy consumption, and as a result CO2 reduction of more than 50% compared to conventional heating systems can be achieved [5]

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Scarcity of energy resources has been a global challenge for many years. The need to find alternative sources to replace conventional fuel is becoming more important than ever due to climate change concerns [1]. Air source heat pump (ASHP) systems have shown potential to reduce energy consumption, and as a result CO2 reduction of more than 50% compared to conventional heating systems (electricity, oil, gas) can be achieved [5]. They operate based on the same principle as a water source heat pump. There are two types of ASHPs—“air to air” and “air to water” Both use air as a method of transporting heat energy from one medium to another, from the “source” to the “sink”. TThhee llaatttteerr ssttuuddyy aallssoo hhiigghhlliigghhtteedd tthhee lleessssoonnss lleeaarrnntt ffoolllloowwiinngg iinnssttaallllaattiioonn aanndd tthhee ppootteennttiiaall ffoorr tthhiiss ssyysstteemm ttoo bbee ssccaalleedd uupp iinn ssiimmiillaarr eennvviirroonnmmeennttss

ASHP Installation
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