
Passive fluid control has mostly been used for valves, pumps, and mixers in microfluidic systems. The basic principle is to generate localized losses in special channel structures, such as branches, grooves, or spirals. The flow field in two-dimensional space can be easily calculated using the typical Stokes formula, but it is challenging in three-dimensional space. Moreover, the flow field with periodic variable cross-sections channeled of polyhedral units has been neglected in this research field due to previous limitations in manufacturing technology. With the continuous progress of 3D printing technology, the field of microfluidic devices ushered in a new era of manufacturing three-dimensional irregular channels. In this study, we present finite analysis results for a periodic nodular-like channel. The experiments involve variations in the Reynold number (Re), periodic frequency, and comparative analyses with conventional structures. The findings indicate that this variable 3D cross-section structure can readily achieve performance comparable to other passive fluid control methods in valve applications. A 3D model of the periodic tetrahedron channel was fabricated using 3D printing to validate these conclusions. This research has the potential to significantly enhance the performance of passive fluid control units that have long been constrained by manufacturing dimensions.

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