
In the hardwared learning environments prepared during the process of training the teachers who have established the base of the high quality and appropriate for the era necessities of human capacity. The attitudes of teaching staffs to the teacher candidates can provide the formation of the desired characteristics of the teacher. To Davies (1999) in order to form the understanding of a democratic life, it has been connected to being democratic of the educational system and environments. It is obvious that the physical, social, phychological and technical characteristics of learning environment have a great role to form the desired behaviors. The aim of the contemporary teacher training is to educate the well hardwared and gained democratic attitudes and behaviors teacher candidates who think freely, take the responsibilities of learning, take participative part in learning environments, can criticize and be open to be criticized, can make the reason ' result relationship among the things they learned, can interrogate the things they learned, can use the knowledge creatively, can reflect the things they learned and can solve the problems by the things they learned. And also the teaching staff in Educational Faculty whose especially work is to train teachers first should have the same characteristics to be given to the teacher candidates (Şen and Erişen, 2002). From this point of view, in the survey, we have tried to determine the perceptions of the teacher candidates about the democratic attitudes of the teaching staffs. The aim of this research is from the point of various changes to determine if they have been differentiated or not by defining the democratic attitudes of the teaching staff gained during the teacher education in the learning environments. The research method is, by using survey method to determine the perceptions of the teacher candidates about the democratic attitudes of the teaching staffs (city of Kars case). The survey method is the study that tries to describe and to explain what the events, the objects, the existances, the institutions, the groups and the different fields are it has been aimed at giving an answer to the question" What are these?". The study group of the survey is consisted of the teacher students registered in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th classes, 1856 of the teacher students in the department of Primary school teaching, Social science teaching, Turkish teaching, Preschool teaching and Science teaching of the Educational Faculty of Kafkas University. In data collection the questionnair form for the perceptions of the teacher candidates about the democratic attitudes and behaviors of the teaching staffs prepared by Duman and Koç, has been used. The questionnair prepared in likert attitude has been consisted of two sections. In the first section there are demographic features about the teacher candidates and teaching staffs, and in the second section, there are expressions about the democratic attitudes and the behaviors at what level the teaching staffs have shown. In the analysis of the data taken from the measure instrument by doing dataentry in the SPSS 18.00 statistical analyzing program, in order to determine the searching problem some analysis have been made according to the features of the variabilities.


  • The teaching staff in Educational Faculty whose especially work is to train teachers first should have the same characteristics to be given to the teacher candidates (Şen and Erişen, 2002). From this point of view, in the survey, we have tried to determine the perceptions of the teacher candidates about the democratic attitudes of the teaching staffs

  • The research method is, by using survey method to determine the perceptions of the teacher candidates about the democratic attitudes of the teaching staffs

  • The survey method is the study that tries to describe and to explain what the events, the objects, the existances, the institutions, the groups and the different fields are it has been aimed at giving an answer to the question” What are these?”

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From this point of view, in the survey, we have tried to determine the perceptions of the teacher candidates about the democratic attitudes of the teaching staffs. Tablo 3’e göre, demokratik tutum ve davranışları tespitindeki ölçme aracından elde edilen puanlarının bölüm değişkenine göre anlamlı bir farlılık gösterip göstermediğini belirlemek amacıyla yapılan tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) sonucunda grupların ortalamaları arasındaki farklılık istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmamıştır (F=1,358; p>.05).

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