
The purpose of the present investigation was to study the perceptions of the best Portuguese coaches of women’sartistic gymnastics on athletes’ persistence and dropout behaviors. Semi-structured interviews were applied toobtain the coaches’ (n=8) accounts on why athletes persisted in or dropped out of gymnastics, and what leadparents to maintain or remove their daughters from gymnastics. In both cases, two distinct time periods weredistinguished: “at the beginning of the career” and “throughout the career”. Additionally, coaches were alsoquestioned as to the factors underlying athletes’ success in gymnastics. Results showed that, in the opinion ofcoaches, the decision to dropout or persist, whether it emanated from the athletes or their parents, stemmed frommultiple causes. Nevertheless, the rigorous physical and psychological demands of the training process, and theconflict of those demands with work, study and family commitments, were often strong motives for athletes’ andparents’ dissatisfaction. Contrariwise, the enjoyment derived through the involvement in gymnastics,competitive ambition and the experience of success were some of the main motives attributed to athletes’persistence in gymnastics. Regarding parents, gymnastics began as a way to fill up their daughters’ free time andas a means to promote their comprehensive education. However, in time, gymnastics seemed to become a meansof social affirmation and an outlet for parents’ personal frustrations. Finally, coaches stressed the importance, forsuccess in women’s gymnastics, of successful competitive results and enjoyment, as well as the human andsocial circumstances surrounding the athletes.

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