
 A physiotherapist plays a key role in assessing, monitoring, educating and prescribing exercise for RA. A few previous surveys across the goble emphasized on the lack of evidence to guide physiotherapist recognizing the early signs of RA, in knowledge of disease course, and in evidence-based interventions and therefore the ability to manage an individual with RA over the course of the disease. The study aims to investigate physiotherapists’ current practice in specific disease-related Knowledge and clinical skills required managing people with RA and extent to which they promote physical activity and exercise.
 A cross-sectional national e-survey was sent to physiotherapists regarding their confidence in managing RA patients. Questionnaire Data developed from previous literatures included the following details: years of clinical experience, current RA clinical caseload, and professional qualifications, primary clinical area of practice, relevant treatment options in established or newly diagnosed cases and management goals.
 A total of 478 physiotherapist responses were received.84% agreed to the fact that exercises does play an important role in joint health promotion. Almost 70% strongly agreed to factor that FIIT principal has to be taken in consideration while prescribing exercises. Approximately 48% were familiar with Index that measures disease activity and ACR-preferred tools for functional status assessment in RA. Moreover, 98% were having a clear perspective of different guidelines of management in RA and Osteoarthritis (OA).While considering the choice of treatment physical activity and educational advice were more preferred as compared to the modalities or manual therapy.
 The present practices are in lines with the current guidelines for RA management, but still most of them never prescribed high-intensity exercise and lacked knowledge of when to advice appropriate splints/orthoses. Even the recommendations regarding splints were not clear. So, there's a requirement to develop education and training for constantly upgrading physiotherapists within for the promotion of physical activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

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