
The objective of this paper is to analyse and assess environmental and socio-economic stress factors as perceived by Andean campesinos (peasant farmers). The study region chosen is a section of the Central Ecuadorian Sierra, along a profile which extends from the upper limit of human settlement at the foot of the Chimborazo (about 4,200 m) to the gate of the Oriente around Puyo (around 900 m). This profile offers a wide variety of environmental conditions and includes a number of distinct socio-economic regions. The study reveals that some constraints of the natural environment and development shortcomings, foremost those related to steep slopes and erosion, are not necessarily perceived by the local population as major stress factors. Other problems that were identified by the farmers, such as the shortage of agricultural labour in some areas, were unexpected by the author. The paper further empha- sizes that certain perceived problems such as insufficient community infrastructures and services, the high cost of agricultural supplies, and inadequate technical assistance are prominent throughout the entire study region. On the other hand, a number of perceived stressors were related to specific natural or cultural environments, for example low temperatures at high elevations, a dry climate and insufficient irrigation in the Cuenca (basin) of Ambato, or accessibility to highways and market centres. It is hoped that this paper can contribute to a better understanding of the genuine problems and needs of the campesinos, as well as to the design of development strategies that are a true response to the stress and aspirations of rural Andean populations.

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