
<i>Parthenium hysterophorus</i> L. is an alien invasive species plant species belonging to an extremely diverse family Asteraceae. This plant is now a notorious in different part of Ethiopia. Consequently, understanding the impacts of this plant from affected communities’ perspectives is crucial to plan sustainable prevention and control strategies. Thus, this investigation was initiated with the aim to generate information about the means and source of its introduction, dispersal, habitats and people’s perception towards its impacts on biodiversity in Ginir Woreda, East Bale Zone of the Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia. Semi structured interview, focus group discussions and observations were conducted on people’s perception in all study sites involving farmers, cattle grazers, fodder collectors, experts and local residents to see their perception concerning its infestation and impacts on plant biodiversity. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) (v. 20) was used for data collection. According to the result of the study most of respondents identified the species, source of introduction, means of dispersal and its impacts on biodiversity. Parthenium was believed to be initially introduced on Ginir district 20 years before near donated food grains are stored and temporarily placed. Parthenium could grow and disseminate whenever adequate soil moisture and rainfall might be available in the soil. Respondents mentioned emergency grain aids, vehicles, animals’ movement, water, wind and human activities as dispersal agents and causes of introduction. High infestation of Parthenium were found on abandoned agricultural lands and grazing areas. The high and fast distribution of Parthenium as perceived by respondents was mainly due to its high reproductive ability followed by its ability to out compete native plant species. Respondents’ ranked pastoralists and agro-pastoralists as the highly affected group of peoples followed by cattle grazers and fodder collectors. Regarding impacts of Parthenium on plant biodiversity, respondents noticed its impacts on species richness and evenness i.e growth and distribution of other plant species. Furthermore, species composition of grasses, herbs, shrubs and even trees has reduced and replaced by this plant. The result of the study also indicated that Parthenium was found in high disturbed habitats. Yet, much has not been done to aware the local community on its impacts on biodiversity, environment, agriculture and health. It was concluded that, P. hysterophorus was one of the most dominant invasive plant aggressively colonizing different habitats impacting biodiversity. Putting in place strategy and effective planning for the prevention, control and management was recommended to control its further spread and reduce the adverse impacts.

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