
THIS interesting memoir, which forms part of the Archives des Missions scientifiques et litteraires, séerie iii. vol. ix., gives the result of a seven months' exploration of the Malay State of Perak, made by the author, who was sent by the French Government upon a mission of scientific inquiry into the Malay Archipelago in 1881. Perak, although an insignificant unit among even the smallest States of the world, its extreme dimensions being only 95×50 miles, or an area of less than 5000 square miles, has long been known as a tin-producing country, being mentioned in the narratives of Tavernier, and the Dutch and Portuguese navigators of the seventeenth century; but it is only since the large influx of Chinese miners, consequent upon the suppression of the Taeping rebellion, that it has become of first-rate importance. The success attained by the first-comers led to a rapid increase of the Chinese population, who arrived in such numbers as to be soon beyond the control of the feeble Malay Government, and the mining being carried on without any regulations as to boundaries, the miners became divided into two parties, who made warupon each other with varying success, the Sultan looking on impartially during the contest, but siding with the winners. The defeated party in 1872 having taken to piracy at sea, was suppressed by English gunboats, and a resident was appointed for the purpose of keeping order; but the Malays having revolted in 1875, when the resident was murdered, the country has since been placed under a British protectorate, with a native rajah, under the title of Regent. This has been attended with the happiest results, the country having made great progress during the last six years, under the vigorous and enlightened management of the resident, Hugh Low, Esq., C.M.G., and now bids fair, according to the author, to become the most considerable producer of tin in the world.

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