
The organic peracids, such as perbenzoic, performic and peracetic acids, are strong oxidizing agents. It may be considered that they are derived by the inter­ action of hydrogen peroxide and an organic acid with the formation of an acid peroxide. Thus, the production of peracetic acid may be illustrated as follows: CH.COOH + H2O2 * CH3COOOH + H 20 glacial acetic peracetic acid acid The present paper deals first with the known chemical reactions of organic peracids with organic compounds. This provides one with a background for understanding the chemical basis of the peracetic acid-Schiff reaction in tissue sections. This histochemical method then is described, followed by the results of the method in staining selectively various tissue elements. The use of block­ ing and extraction procedures and of additional staining reactions are presented in order to substantiate the chemical basis of the peracetic acid-Schiff staining in tissue sections.

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