
The goal of research to study pedological heterogeneity in soil morphological and physical Characteristics in the Al-Khaleej and Al-Aali Al-Muwahed Project soils in Salahaldin Government. The (6) six soil pedon were chosen and their distribution based on the area of the soil series in study area. The soil morphologically properties were described according to soil survey staff, 2006. The soil physical properties (soil texture, Bulk density, and Compaction) were selected. The results show there is a variation in the morphological, where the thickness of the horizons differed and was the largest in the surface horizon at the peduns P1 and P3, while the color was found that all study sites are located within a page 10YR, which is the dominant wavelength for most Iraqi soils, while the soil texture was clayey and sandy in P1, P2, and P4, and mixed in P3, P5, and P6. The results showed that the soil texture ranged between admixture and admixture clay and sandy, and it was noted that the soil texture classes took the following order: sand > silt > clay, and it was noted that there was a predominance of sand content as it ranged between (417 and 722) g.kg-1 in the C2 horizon for each of P5 and P2 respectively, and a decrease was found in the bulk density in the surface horizons of the soils of the study sites and an increase in the average diameter weighted by the open ground.

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