
Objective: to identify the main pedagogical techniques of the organization of an educational environment for indirect and purposeful management of the process of personal and professional development of specialists in a medical school.Material and methods. The following methods were applied: the methods of theoretical analysis including philosophical, psychological and educational, the method of methodological literature on the problem, problem analysis in existing practice; methods of observation and sociological methods.Results. In order to ensure successful professional selfdetermination of all year medical students, it is necessary: to specify important professional qualities of general practitioners and the requirements for their competitiveness; to develop a modular program of the development of the students` subjective position and the criterion basis for evaluation of the levels of their professional selfdetermination; to develop programs for personal and professional selfdetermination of students and their pedagogical assistance, to develop methodical recommendations for professors on how to create conditions for successful adaptation of students and their professional selfdetermination.Conclusion. The developing sociocultural and educational environment of a medical university favors the formation of professionally significant qualities of doctors to be, provided students constantly reconsider their roles in different social groups, their status in the educational process, positions in educational and professional and sociocultural situations, which is inherent from the necessity to communicate and interact with people.

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