
This article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the features of the value-semantic sphere of adolescents. Peculiarities of personality formation in adolescence are analyzed. Attention is drawn to the fact that self-awareness of the individual occurs in adolescents in the process of communicating with peers, which is considered at this age one of the leading activities. Due to qualitative changes in the development of self-awareness, the previous relationship between the student and the environment is broken. The central and specific neoplasm in the adolescent’s personality is the emergence of a sense of adulthood, which is manifested in the desire to be and be considered an adult. The development of self-awareness becomes the content of the mental development of the adolescent. If in the early stages of personality formation the level of relationships is dictated by adults, then in adolescence they are determined by the expansion of social responsibilities, learning and the growth of individual self-awareness.During this period, the social status of the adolescent changes significantly, the range of his responsibilities and communication expands. The concept of value-semantic sphere in psychological and pedagogical literature is studied, which at the present stage of development of psychological science is considered as a central, integral phenomenon of personality, which influences its behavior as a whole, in each situation and determines the general direction of its life. Peculiarities of the development of the value-semantic sphere of adolescents are substantiated. It is emphasized that value orientations are the result of internal and external interaction in the process of personality development, a subjective reflection of the objective world in the mind of a particular individual. Being aware, values play an important role in determining the orientation of the individual in the social environment. The main methods of research of features of value-semantic sphere in adolescence are analyzed: value and meaning-life orientations, life goals and values. The sample, stages of research are characterized and the received results of studying of features of value-semantic sphere of teenagers which is still insufficiently formed are analyzed: manifested in the low consistency of the structure of value orientations of adolescents and the simultaneous existence of contradictory, conflicting terminal and instrumental values; in insufficient realism of assessment of oneself and one’s own behavior; lack of confidence in their abilities and ability to influence a certain course of events.

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