
The development of the territorial public self-government (TPS) has been recently prompted by the adoption of national projects that imply additional activation of social resource in the territory. The capabilities of TPS in realization of social service procurement should expand. The article is dedicated to examination of territorial disparities in the development of territorial public self-government in Russia. The subject of this research is the organization of TPS in the conditions of regional differentiation. The branches of the territorial public self-government are unevenly distributed across the country, and their development potential is quite low. The novelty and practical significance of this work lie in the attempt to generalize the practices of implementation of TPS in various Russian regions (the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were allocated in proportion to the number of federal districts), as well as to outline the priority vectors in the development of TPS in the current context. The conducted comparative analysis allows concluding that despite the substantial differentiation in allocation of TPS branches across the country, the difficulties of its development in all indicated regions are similar: insufficient funding of TPS by the local self-governments, low interest in supporting TPS with the legal entity status, low social activity of the population along with the level of information awareness of the citizens on the forms of their participation in self-government. As a result, the capabilities of TPS in implementation of socioeconomic policy of the municipality are limited; the local authorities and TPS are not partners due to mutual distrust and low interest in the development of TPS as a social institution.

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