
Purpose. The article considers the peculiarities of the images of the representatives of peoples of Siberia on the ethnographic maps of the First and Second Kamchatka expeditions, taking place in the first half of the 18th century.Results. Maps are an important historical source, moreover not only the cartographic information is studied, but also other materials located on the map. Three versions of the final map of the First Kamchatka Expedition, as well as the Ethnographic Map of Siberia of the Second Kamchatka Expedition are a valuable source for research. They contain images of representatives of different peoples and scenes from their lives. A comparative analysis of the drawings of Yakut, Tungus (Evenks), Koryak, Kuril, Chukchi, Kamchadal (Itelmen) was carried out, the features of images of clothing and objects were revealed, and ethnographic analogies were attracted. So, gradually, on different maps a fur coat on Yakut loses its fur trim, the bow becomes a crooked stick with a rope. On later maps, frames appear around the images, the number of representatives of the Siberian peoples increases.The maps are made by different mapmakers. The first of them was created in St. Petersburg, sketches made during the work of the First Kamchatka expedition were copied on it. Local mapmakers did not quite understand what they were depicting and, therefore, already at this stage there is a loss of part of the ethnographic meaning. The rest of the maps were already copied from the first one, so there is a further loss of ethnographic specificity, simplification of the pictures.The sequence of implementation of the maps was determined by increasing the number of images, the appearance of frames around them, and their gradual simplification. The earliest version of the final map of the First Kamchatka Expedition shows the summer camp of the Kamchadals under the cartouche. This is the most complete image, on the other sources only individual elements of this sketch were drawn. The ethnographic map of Siberia of the Second Kamchatka Expedition is the most complete in both cartographic and ethnographic contexts. But the greatest losses of the ethnographic specificity of the Siberian peoples are observed on it.Conclusion. As a result of the conducted research, the sequence of compiling versions of the final map of the First Kamchatka expedition (ethnographic version) was determined. The variant of the drawings of representatives of peoples when compiling the ethnographic map of Siberia of the Second Kamchatka expedition is revealed. A gradual partial loss of ethnographic information occurred when copying maps by different mapmakers who did not quite understand what they were depicting.

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