
Ecological and phylogenetic factors determine which sensory modalities organisms use in their day-to-day activities. Among lizards, empirical studies indicate a tight association between foraging strategies and the ability to detect chemical cues from prey. Consequently, ambush insectivores do not detect food chemicals and these differences have a phylogenetic basis, as ambush lizards mainly belong to the Iguania clade. These data contrast, however, with the widespread uses of chemoreception in the Iguania genus Liolaemus, which are mostly insectivorous ambush predators. Moreover, observations from different Liolaemus species suggest a capability to find prey through chemoreception. In order to clarify the abilities of Liolaemus to detect chemical cues from prey, the chemoreceptive behavior of the insectivorous ambush predator, L. lemniscatus, was studied. Lizards were given the choice between areas with and without chemical cues from a food item (mealworms). Results show that test animals stayed for longer, moved more, and did more chemical exploration (tongue flicks) in the area where chemical cues from mealworms were present. Furthermore, in this area, more individuals displayed behaviors that suggest maintenance and defense of the prey patch. Thus, L. lemniscatus is the first insectivorous Iguania reported to be able to detect chemical cues from prey. Although I propose a mechanism for acquiring chemical detection of prey cues in Liolaemus, I also remark that it is necessary to reanalyze both the abilities to detect and use chemical foraging cues in Iguania at large, and the methodologies traditionally used to study these issues.

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