
Road traffic accidents are the major public health problem. The objective of the study was to analyze road traffic accidents presenting in Kathmandu Medical College Emergency Department. The data from all consecutive road traffic accident cases brought to Emergency Department Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital were collected from 2018 Jan-2018 June. Factors like age of the patients, time of the accident, influence of illicit substances and type of injury were documented. Males (74) were common victims than the females (26). Eldest patient was 65 years of the age while youngest patient was 4 years. Most common type of injury was fracture in male 28 (37%)and laceration in females8 (38%). Alcohol intoxication was evident by positive alcohol smell test in 10 (13.6%) males and 6(23%) females. Road traffic accidents are major health concern in Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital and preventive measures should be considered to reduce such health burden.

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