
Background: Suicide prevention efforts have focused on risk factors that help identify people with an increased risk for suicide. One risk factor related to suicide risk is anxiety sensitivity cognitive concerns (ASCC), which is the "fear of going crazy." The association between ASCC and suicidal ideation is hypothesized to result from the depression-distress amplification model, which postulates that ASCC exacerbates feelings of depression and concurrent distress. Furthermore, there is evidence for associations between ASCC/dysregulated anger and dysregulated anger/suicidal ideation. We hypothesized that aggression may provide pathways from ASCC to suicidality. The current study examined how facets of aggression (described as elevated agitation) meditated the association between ASCC and suicidality. Aims: The current study aimed to extend prior research by examining how different facets of aggression mediate the association between ASCC and suicidality. Method: Participants were 440 adults recruited online, 32.7% of whom endorsed experiencing lifetime suicidal ideation. Results: Our hypotheses were partially supported with two significant indirect effects. Results indicated that physical aggression and hostility provided significant indirect effects; however, verbal aggression and anger did not. Limitations: The study was cross-sectional in nature, limiting causal interpretations about the indirect effects. The sample included primarily White participants. Conclusion: Specific facets of aggression provide pathways through which ASCC is associated with suicidality. Aggression may be a catalyst for individuals to progress to suicidality. The current study provides foundational research for continued examination of physical aggression as a catalyst for suicide attempts.

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