
If cardiovascular pathology is the study of the pathologic conditions of the cardiovascuIar system, then environmental pathology is the study of pathologic changes in the environment . The natural growth, deve lopmen t , and main tenance o f ou r earthly environment can be altered by human interference, natural catastrophes, evolutionary change, or other ways. Such deviations from normal environments can be called pathologic environments, and the study of such envi ronments is then environmental pathology. And just as we need to evolve a general pathology of environmentally induced disease, so also we need to develop a general pathology of those environments that produce disease. Some al tered env i ronments , such as the Love Canal area, may be hostile to humans and cause disease. Others, like a manmade lake, may be harmless to nearly everyone. On the other hand, some environments that are natural, such as Antarctic mountains or Amazon rain forests, may be extremely hazardous.

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