
The Particular Law of The Romanian Church United with Rome And the CCEO With Reference to Divine Cult And the Sacraments. Theological And Historical Premises (XVIIth-XVIIIth Centuries) This study is meant to contribute to the understanding of the theological and the historical premises that stood at the basis of the codification activity carried on by our regional synods at the end of the nineteenth century, premises that, though relatively remote from a historical point of view, are sufficiently actual when regarded from the perspective of theological conceptualisation. The issue remains open to a more thorough study of immediate premises, such as the analysis of the theological formation of a forerunner of the above-mentioned synods, the canonist Iosif Papp Szylagy, the specific formation of each member of the theological commissions of those regional church reunions, or the eventual synod debates. The discussion can also be circumscribed to an ampler discourse, for example that referring to the confessional or the ritual identity. Since the studies on inter-confessional relations (religious life, for instance), and those concerning the inter-religious relationships in Transylvania, produced in the last 15 years, have focused almost exclusively on the national-social-cultural-historical relevance of those relationships, we find it crucial to start completing the already existing corpus with the consideration of theological-historical aspects.

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